Our Instructors

I joined the Good Companion Dog Training Club in 2007 with my rescue Shepherd Gwen. I now have two dogs, Mia (Cavapoo) and Polli (Golden Doodle). I have thoroughly enjoyed helping as an assistant with a variety of classes for the last five years.

I am a joint founder of Good Companion Dog Training Club. Qualified BIPDT, APDT, PDTI and recently a diploma in canine psychology. I attend courses and read up on different field’s of canine behaviour, skills and care, to keep myself up to date. At present I have 2 bearded collies, Ollie and Tir.

I am a joint founder of Good Companion Dog Training Club. Qualified BIPDT, APDT, PDTI and recently a diploma in canine psychology. I attend courses and read up on different field’s of canine behaviour, skills and care, to keep myself up to date. At present I have 2 bearded collies, Ollie and Tir.

I have been a member of GCDT club since September 2021. I have two dogs, who have gained their Kennel Club Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. I assist with many of the workshops and classes which I throughly enjoy. I am a qualified dog Parkour instructor and also a level one assessor working towards my level two.

I am a joint founder of the Good Companion DTC. I am a Qualified instructor with the APDT, the PDTI, and have an Honours Certificate with the BIPDT. I am also qualified with the Kennel Club to judge their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. I have enjoyed many different dog training activities with my previous dogs and now with my latest dog Celyn a Lab/collie. I also enjoy teaching Celyn new exercises. Teaching me new ideas so I never stop learning.

I have owned dogs of various breeds for over 45 years, taking more of an interest in training for the last 17 years. During that time I have enjoyed many activities which have helped to increase the bond with my dogs. Two of them have gained KC Good Citizens Gold. Also I have worked with friends dogs to gain their silver awards. In 2023 I began helping at Good Companions.

I joined the class with my first dog Biscuit. After progressing through the classes with him I became interested in competitive obediance and agility. Biscuit is now retired but I am still very much involved in the dog world, most recently as assistant trainer for K9SAR Wales.

I have been an instructor at Good Companion since 1995. I am a qualified APDT instructor and continually attend courses to keep my knowledge current. I own two border collies; Seren and Morgan with whom I compete with in obedience competitions. Both dogs have represented Wales at Crufts in the regional obedience competition.

Dogs have been part of my life since I was born. I’ve been a member of Good Companion Dog Training Club since 2019. I have two dogs - Bentley, a Golden Retriever, who is now in the Advanced Class and has passed KC Bronze, Silver and Gold. He is also a Cariad Pet Therapy dog and regularly visits local schools and hospitals. I also have the sweetest black Labrador, Mitzie, who loves her scent work and recently passed her Inspector test. I assist at club and really enjoy supporting the trainers in class. Learning with my dogs is certainly a never-ending journey and being part of this successful and welcoming club has been a big part of that.

I’ve been involved with the Good Companions Training Club since 2015. I’m a qualified instructor with both the PDTI and IMDT. I own four standard poodles and enjoy lots of activities with them, agilty, hoopers and mantrailing. In 2021 I also gained my City and Guilds award as a scent detection instructor with the UKCSD.

I joined GCDTC in 2009 to train my Labrador Harley ( now retired). I currently train Lincoln my other labrador. We have passed our bronze, silver and gold awards and are now in the advanced class. I have been an assistant for the last few years and thoroughly enjoy working with the different trainers and dogs.

I joined GCDTC over 20 years ago after owning, breeding, showing and judging for many years and have attended classes with 6 different dogs. I now own my 3rd GSD, Venn who, having gained his KC GC Bronze, Silver & Gold awards, decided to specialise in Mantrailing. I have stayed with the Club because I liked their structured approach and I enjoy assisting in classes.